We believe strongly in pregnant people’s ability to give birth and in their need for well-prepared support for the whole family during the prenatal period, labour, the postpartum period and lactation.

In all of our prenatal classes, we aim to be sensitive and respectful, flexible and imaginative in helping our clients find their own way on the journey to life as a family.  Our clients have doctors or midwives, are planning to birth at home or in hospital. Our clients have in common a need and a desire for evidence-based information. We are committed to providing classes which respect the diversity of the families who make up our community. Learn more about our instructors here.

What will prenatal classes teach me?

There are many topics covered in our various prenatal classes. No matter the format or topic, Mothering Touch instructors aim to help you feel prepared for the upcoming experiences of childbirth and caring for a new baby. Pregnant people and their and their partners/helpers can benefit from learning as much as possible about labour, delivery, and new parenthood. If this is not your first delivery, you may find a refresher course to help you approach your next childbirth experience.

Preparing for Baby & Childbirth

You’re having a baby! Let us help you prepare for the exciting road ahead!

You’re having another baby! Check out our class just for you:

Training to Become a Doula

Prenatal Classes in progress

Prenatal classes can help give you confidence as birth approaches.

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